Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thing 30-Summarize

Let me just say that it is over, and I feel pretty good about myself for finishing this project, now will I remember what I did, that is another story. The outcome of this program that surprised me was, I never have used MySpace, IM, Librarything, etc. I only use the computer for what I know about it. If I do not know something, then I ask someone to show me. I am a hands on person, you got to show me so that way I will understand it, but I am a quick learner. What you could have done to improve on this project is, not to move it so quickly, take your time on it, there are 12 months in a year, so there was plenty of time to work on it, there are quite a bit of us that have other tasks, projects, jobs to do, but we know we had a deadline to get this project done, and I was grateful you extended the deadline, for those of us that are much slower. The format was ok, nothing to change on that. If you offer another discovery program like this in the near future, Yes I would try it out, god knows it wouldn't hurt to learn new things, but also again, I am a hands on person, so reading it helps, but showing me helps alot better. I did not mind participating in this learning 2.0 experience, but let me tell you I am glad it is over.

Lastly, where is my MP3 player-I am ready for it. I know, we are to receive it at the All Staff Training Day.

Well, that is all.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing 29-Learning Experience w/2.0

What can I say, but only one more Thing to go and then I am finished. Well, it wasn't too bad, but I do know that this was a great opportunity to learn new tools with technology, and also to see what might happen in the future with the library department. Now, will I remember what I did in all of these things-probably not, but I did try. Now, at times I felt that you were being rushed to finish the Things during that week as scheduled , and then next week as scheduled, and so on. I felt, that maybe we could have worked together as a group instead of by yourself, I would have not felt so overwhelemed by all of this. I am a hands on person, reading things sometimes gets me puzzled/confused, but if you show me, then I can follow along much better and learn much better. I did check some of my other peers blogs-some of them went all the way, and some of them like me just went with the flow. Overall, it was a great experience, but I am glad it is almost over with. I'm not much into blogging, IM, YouTube, I am just an average person that goes with the flow with computers, or what interests me that is. However, I am willing to try new things even if it is with technology.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing 28-Rollyo

I really liked checking this out. I looked at Free Photos, and checked out the celeb photos. I thought this was a great site to browse through. Now, when I started browsing and wanting to get more information, then I noticed that you had to join to get that information you needed-now I did not like that at all. Bascially, I did not want to sign up for another account. I try to remember the accounts I have and passwords, but answer to the question I think this would be a great site for anyone to use. Now, moving on to Thing 29-almost done with Learning 2.0.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thing 27-Library Thing

I really enjoyed doing Thing 27. This was real exciting for me. You got to set up your own catalog with the books that you enjoy. This was a great idea. I believe everyone would enjoy doing Thing 27. The link to check out my catalog on library thing is:

So check it out. Until next time.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thing 26-Online Image Generator

WOW-now this was exciting to try and do. I loved doing this one. I had a co-worker show me, but afterwards- I am still amazed of what I had learned. It's a pic of Ben and me. What you can do, let me tell you is so awesome. Now, will I remember what I was showed, and what I did is another thing. Again, this was really neat to do and try. Everyone should atleast try it or do it. Until next time.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thing 25-Podcasting and Libraries

I thought this site was neat. I checked out Sheridan Libraries Podcasts, and there site was very user friendly. In fact some of the information it had reminded me of our own website. Again, I read, I looked at, I tried what I did or coud know, but again this is not my cup of tea. I think if you have customers that want to know or learn about podcasts more power to them. This could be useful information for customers too. Anyhow, that is all I have to say about that. Until next time.

Thing 24-Podcasts

I had trouble with this one. One of the tools you clicked on it would not allow to access, so I chose another one, and I am sorry I could not locate anything dealing with the library or anything about library news. Now, I did like the yahoo podcasts-audio part, however, some of the downloads you have to fork over money to purchase-which I did not like about. Over all I read it, I looked at it, and tried what I could, but again this not my cup of tea. That is all this time.